Some were using digital technology, some were analog, just using lamps.
Both had different ways of beauty.
Today, I will pickup arts in analog way.
This art's title is "How Echigo-tsumaari had connected to Kyoto.".
The artist's name is Nozomi Tanaka.
Each lamp has picture and the picture shows the life in Echigo-tsumaari, the area's other name of Tokamachi and Tsunan.
This place was famous for Silk industry in the past.
Pictures show how people lived, working for silk production and cultivating.
One thing unique is that rabbits are drawn as people.
Rabbit weaving silks
Carrying packed rice to the boat.
The circle thing the rabbits are carrying is filled with rice.
Maybe next picture is a rabbits taking a trip to Kyoto.
The picture next is Samurais wearing armor and departing to somewhere.
Dancing "Bon dance".
The room was fantastic that seemed like I'm in a dream.
In the other room, there was a decoration of wedding.
The doll was little scary.
The doll were old man and woman, so it may means they are father and mother of bride and bridesman.
The next place was also related to silk industry.
The works were shown at the building once used as a silk factory.
The art's title is "An installation for Tsunan".
Artist's name is Kiyoshi Takizawa.
He used old shirts as a lamp.
He turned the shirts inside out and fixed to shapes of lamp.
I found Snoopy.
This is the sight of the work's front.
I felt that artist's message was to think about used clothes, even they are silk clothes or T shirts.
At the second floor, there was an other work.
There were lot's of string in the roof, it looks like cloud.
The day I went these places were rainy and little dark even it was daytime, but the darkness made the works beautiful.
As they were so beautiful, I felt that more and more people visit this place in next triennale.
Thank you for reading!
Have a nice weekend!
大地の芸術祭, 越後妻有, トリエンナーレ, 新潟, 十日町, 津南, 京につながる越後妻有郷, 津南のためのインスタレーション
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