This line connected Matsumoto city and Nagano city.
It is said that the train took about 3 hours going to each city.
Now other new line had prepared, it took about 1 hour 20 minutes to go each city.
The line had started at year 1902, ended the service 1988.
For 86 years, there were train running in the mountain.
After 35 years had passed, we still can see the part of railroad.
From Matsumoto station, ride a train to Nagano using Shinanoi line and get off at Akeshina station. (This line is new Shinanoi line)
Few minutes walk to the north and go to a shirine named Kotani Inari shrine (小谷稲荷神社).
+ Map to Kotani Inari shrine,137.9351712,18z/data=!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x0:0x0!2zMzbCsDIxJzMxLjAiTiAxMzfCsDU2JzA5LjQiRQ!3b1!3m1!1s0x0000000000000000:0x7023d08cdd8a6b11
Near the shrine, the old rail road starts.
It was good sunny day.
Walking along the road, I came to the tunnel.
I got inside, and walked on.
The wall was like this.
Partly made of blocks. Same as the rail road, this tunnel was made more than 100 years ago.
I got out and saw some equipment were left.
Getting in to the mountain, the road got inside of the woods and the sun light getting green.
To tell the truth, I went to this place at the end of summer, so the color of the leaves were still green.
I found a laid down power pole.
I felt like I'm seeing the part of how the time is passing.
This equipment seemed some kind of switch.
I walked a little more and come to other tunnel.
I felt like going to some where unknown.
Maybe this was like a time tunnel.
The green road just kept on going.
I seemed didn't go anywhere.
I think today's blog seemed not so Japanese atmosphere, but I'm glad if you like it.
Thank you for reading.
Have a nice weekend!!
松本, 明科駅, 安曇野, 廃線敷ウォーキング, 篠ノ井線, 国鉄, 電車
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