

Enjoy Onsen, the hot spring in Ryokan (Kansui-rou / 環翠楼, Hakone / 箱根)

I think most of Japanese people likes hot spring.
I'm also the one!! We say hot spring "Onsen (温泉)" in Japanese.

For travelers from other countries, it maybe little difficult to take a bath with strangers without swimming wears. But if once you can get used to it, I think your world will be little get wider.

At Kansui-rou, there were three kinds of Onsen.

One kind is ordinary type, and you can rock the door.
You can get in only with your acquaintance, so it may be easier to try for first time.

Other two are inside and outside of the building.

First, I went outside type of hot spring.
Walking through the typical Japanese style garden, I reached there.

There are small building for taking the cloth off.
The hot spring was placed next to the river and I could see the stream.

Don't worry, there are wall so that people out side can't see.

I really got relaxed and enjoyed taking a bath in the nature.

I get back inside to get in other type of hot spring.
The stained glass were there.

As I was alone for just few minutes, I only could take few pictures.

The hot spring inside of building was nostalgic style.
As Hakone was a resort spot from more than 100 years ago, western culture merged to old Japanese hotel.

The western style was seen on the light's design, too.

After I got out, I had dinner at my room.
To be exact, I had beer before the dinner.

On the beer's label, there were text "Hakone (箱根)".

The beer after the hot spring was very very tasty.

If you visit Japan, please try hot spring!
I really recommend them.

Thank you for reading!
Have a nice day!

箱根, 旅館, 環翠楼, 温泉, 露天風呂,

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