

The city in the snow (Matsumoto city/松本市)

The snow changed the city a little bit.
Ordinary things seemed little different.

This is the flog statue made by students of Shinsyu University (信州大学)
There are three flogs, two flogs are holding swords.

If you visit Matsumoto city, go to Nawate street (縄手通り).

Nawate street

You will see this statue.

At the middle of Nawate street, there are Yohashira shrine, that I have introduced in my blog few times.

The snow covered buildings, statues, and towers.

The pigeons were fine even it was so cold.

On the way to Matsumoto Castle, I saw cats.
I thought the cats don't like cold place, but they seemed doing fine.

At the a square of the castle, the children was playing with ice slider.

In the other place, idol singers were having a live concert.
The group's name is "Otome corporation (乙女コーポレーション)".

Any where in the city, people seemed having fun, enjoying a winter day.

Thank you for reading!
Have a good night!

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