As it's has word "mountain" in the name, but it is ancient tomb.
This tomb is said that it is made 1700 years ago.
It is huge tomb that people in Matsumoto can see it from several places in the city.
From quite far place, the mountain can see like this.
Going more closer to the mountain.
The building in front the mountain is shoes shop.
Going little more closer, I could see the red leaves in the trees.
I went into inside and climbed up.
At first, it was world of red, but soon become a filed of grass.
It was rainy yesterday, but the weather become well today.
On the top of the hill, I could see all around the city.
Going inside of the woods again.
And there were some people where coming for a walk like I do.
The carpet of the leaves.
It's getting cold, but I think I can enjoy autumn scenery for few more weeks!
Thank you for reading!
Good night!
松本市, 弘法山, 古墳, 秋
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