

Tea break with Japanese sweets (Kaiun-do / 開運堂, Matsumoto city / 松本)

I was writing about temples and shrines, it's little break today.

In rainy season, I have wrote about Wagashi (和菓子).
Wagashi is Japanese sweets, which delicate decorations had done by hands.

The season had changed, I went to Kaiun-do (開運堂), famous Wagashi shop in Matsumoto.

I bought two seasonal sweets this time.

The left one is a piece made as Japanese persimmon, the famous autumn fruit in Japan, and right piece is made as chrysanth, also famous autumn flower in Japan.

Japanese persimmon, Kaki (柿) in Japanese, looks like orange colored tomatao.

This fruit can be seen every where in Japan, especially in country side.
They fruits in the tree.

The real fruits is more harder than tomato, and tastes wispy sweetness.
I heard that some people saw this fruit in U.S., sold a name in "Japanese persimmon", so please try it if you find them.

This treat is made of sweet bean paste, so it is a lot sweeter than the fruit.

I was surprised that the seed made with bean was inside. It's delicate work...

The flower sweet, chrysanth, is also splendid, too.

Chrysanth is called Kiku (菊) in Japan.
Kiku has many colors.
The shrines and temples are adorned with this flower in autumn time.

This flower is symbol flower of Emperor's family, and same time, symbol of Japan.
(It is said that Cherry flower, Sakura (桜) and Kiku is said flowers of Japan.)

This piece also made of sweet bean paste, and inside seems like this.

They really matches to Japanese tea, like doughnuts and coffee, cheese and wine.

Please visit Kaiun-dou, if you came to Matsumoto.

I have to go there, too when the winter comes.

Thank you for reading!
Have a nice weekend!!

和菓子, 柿, 菊, 開運堂, あんこ, お茶, 松本

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